“DOWN, DOWN, in millions, blending, The snow-flakes gambol fast; With eddies gay, descending, Hurled by the winter’s blast. Down, down, in millions, blending, The shower seems never ending, While a white spread is extending, From the countless flakes, amassed.
2 Down, down, in millions blending, The snow flakes gambol fast; Each little drop is wending, To a resting place at last. Down, down, in millions, blending, Our God the flakes are sending, And a lesson is impending, Which blind man fails to grasp.
3 Down, down, in millions, blending, The snow-flakes gambol fast; In mystic shapes, portending, God’s wisdom great and vast. Down, down, in millions, blending, While scholars are contending, And the sage his wits is bending Unexplained, they drift and pass. ”